Nodes & Clients

📜 TL;DR:

  • In cryptocurrency networks, a node is a computer (physical or virtual) that connects to the network, while a client is the software **that allows the node to communicate with the network.

  • The Hemi Network utilizes four specialized types of nodes—Bitcoin finality governors, Bitcoin-secure sequencers, proof-of-proof miners, and challengers—to enhance network reliability by distributing functions, thus mitigating the impact of single node failures.

🌐 Overview

  • Blockchain networks typically operate as independent systems with no knowledge of other networks, creating a siloed environment. This isolation makes it impossible to transfer assets directly from one chain to another.

  • Bridges/Tunnels are developed to address this issue, enabling asset transfers between different blockchains.

  • They function by accepting a token from one blockchain (chain A) and issuing a corresponding placeholder or wrapped token on another blockchain (chain B). This wrapped token represents the original token and can be redeemed for it.

🖥️ Nodes 101

  • Cryptocurrency networks are powered by a distributed array of computers, each referred to as a node, functioning in a peer-to-peer manner where each holds equal standing. Nodes, depending on the client software they run, fulfill different roles within the network.

  • For instance, in the Bitcoin network, full nodes store a complete history of transactions for verification purposes, offering high security, while light nodes, focusing on transaction capability, rely on full nodes for information about the network's current state. This setup allows for a flexible network structure where nodes can freely join or leave without disrupting the network's overall functionality.

🛠️ Hemi Node Structure

  • In contrast, the Hemi Network employs a more specialized node architecture to optimize network performance and security. It includes:

    • Bitcoin Finality Governors: Ensure transactions achieve finality on the Bitcoin blockchain.

    • Bitcoin-Secure Sequencers: Order transactions in a secure manner, leveraging Bitcoin's security.

    • Proof-of-Proof Miners: Validate transactions across blockchains without requiring the entire blockchain data.

    • Challengers: Monitor and verify the correctness of transactions and state proofs.

  • This segmentation of responsibilities across different node types significantly enhances the Hemi Network's fault tolerance. By isolating specific functions to particular node types, the network ensures that issues within one node type do not compromise the entire network's operations, thereby improving the system's overall reliability.

  • This architecture allows user clients to interact seamlessly with both the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks without the complexity of managing diverse node functions.

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