
🏁 Getting Started

Are you building the next killer Hemi application (hApp) or a service that adds value to Hemi's ecosystem? Fill out the form below to let us know what you're building and apply for a grant!

Want some inspiration? Check out the lists below for some of the projects we're most excited about.

If you don't see your idea on this list, we'd still love to hear what you're interested in building!

🤖 Bitcoin-Aware hApps (Using hVM or hBK)

These are hApps that directly take advantage of Hemi's EVM-level Bitcoin awareness.

  • Non-Custodial BTC / BTC Asset DEXes

    • A decentralized exchange to trade Bitcoin or Bitcoin-based assets without requiring users to give up custody of their funds.

  • Non-Custodial Bitcoin Lending

    • A dApp to enable Bitcoin-based lending (either borrowing Bitcoin itself or using Bitcoin as collateral for other loans) without users giving up custody of their funds.

  • Bitcoin "smart wallets" with custom key manager sets

    • Users/smart contracts create Bitcoin wallets controlled by configurable validator sets and managed on Hemi; smart wallet owners can specify transactions that should be performed on Bitcoin from their wallet, and validators work together to sign and propagate on Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin "transaction forwarding"

    • A dApp where users/smart contracts can send tunneled BTC on Hemi to a liquidity provider, who then sends tunneled BTC to the sender’s specified destination.

  • Bitcoin MEV Marketplace / Tx Accelerator

    • A dApp where users can submit raw Bitcoin transactions or their hashes along with an attached reward (in $HEMI, $ETH, etc.), which will be paid out to the Bitcoin miner that includes their specified Bitcoin transaction in a block

  • Ordinals/Inscriptions "minting-as-a-service"

    • A service that facilitates the creation of Ordinals.

  • Any other novel Bitcoin dApp that benefits from introspection into Bitcoin data

✨ AI hApps

These are hApps that utilize AI directly or provide services that AI developers want to use.

  • ZK-Verified MLaaS (ML as a Service)

    • Model owners authenticate their private models to Bitcoin via Hemi by publishing a hash of the model weights. Consumers select a model and send data to perform inference on, and the model owner computes the requested inference and returns the result along with a zero-knowledge proof demonstrating correct execution against the specified model.

  • Private FHE-based MLaaS

    • Similar to zk-verified MLaaS, but the model consumers send fully homomorphically encrypted input data, meaning the model owner can't see the consumer's data they are performing inference with.

  • Training Data Marketplace

    • Marketplace for users to buy and sell the rights to use different data sets for model training, producing a proof of data licensing authenticated to Bitcoin via Hemi. Optionally, ZK-verified training proofs could be employed to cryptographically prove that a model was only trained on licensed data.

  • Decentralized Machine Learning

    • Peer-to-peer marketplaces for buying computing power. Could either be generic compute purchasing, or AI-specific distributed training/inference protocols.

  • Portfolio Management Agents and DAOs

    • Autonomous AI agents that trade assets or perform other on-chain actions on Hemi for a user or group of users.

  • Crowd-Sourced Data Classification

    • Humans perform data classification/labeling on data so it can be used for machine learning, and are paid a reward if their classification is aligned with the majority of other users.

💡 Other hApp Ideas

  • DEXes

  • Lending Markets

  • Payment Channels

  • Bridges

  • Yield Aggregators

  • Algorithmic Stablecoins

  • On-chain Games

  • NFT Projects

  • NFT Marketplaces

  • Real World Assets

Other Projects

  • Custom PoP miners

  • PoP mining embedded in a widely-used Bitcoin wallet

  • Hemi metrics/explorers/chain analytics

  • Improvements to existing services (explorer, portal, demo hApps, etc.)

  • Bitcoin timestamping services via Hemi

  • Oracles

Apply Here

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