Report a Bug

If you believe that you have identified an error or bug, we encourage you to report the incident in one of the following methods:

  • E-mail with the subject line, "Hemi Bug Report"

  • Join our Discord and report the error in the #help channel

Please provide as many details as possible in your report, such as the following:

  • Bug Description

    • What action(s) were you attempting when the bug occurred?

    • What was the bug, and how did it affect the action(s) you attempted?

    • What are the steps to reproduce the bug?

  • A Screen Recording or Screenshot of the Bug

  • Website URL of Bug Occurrence

  • System Description

    • Operating System

    • Browser

    • Device

    • Date and Time (including Time Zone) of Bug Occurrence

It takes a village! We always appreciate your help in improving!

Last updated